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About us

  北京嘉力普盛汽车配件有限公司(原名北京嘉力普机械轴承有限公司2007年改用现名)公司成立于1993年,主营世界各种轴承,是SKF在华北授权经营其汽车轴承及配件产品的经销商,同时还代理加拿大麦格纳(MAGNA)动力总成、德国INA轴承、美国TIMKEN轴承、德国曼.胡默尔滤清器、中德合资上海伦福德系列产品、日本NWB雨刷片、日本UNION滤清器等知名产品,同时还兼营SKF、INA、TIMKEN等工业轴承,年销售总额超过近一亿人民币。 本公司汽车配件部备有大量汽车轴承现货,可提供各种汽车轴承,如:欧款系列(奔驰、宝马、欧宝、沃尔沃、标致、菲亚特、大众奥迪等)美洲车系(通用、林肯、克莱斯勒、福特、凯迪拉克)亚洲车系(现代、本田、丰田、三菱、日产)同时还提供国产轿车专用轴承,公司还给几大汽车主机厂提供OEM配套,公司所经营的产品直接从厂家订购,质量可靠,同时如用户要求,公司可提供原产地证书和质量保证书,以确保产品质量和安全。 我公司竭诚希望与汽车行业的朋友合作共同拓展汽车配件市场。 Beijing Jialipusheng Commerce & Trade Co.,Ltd(The Old name:beijing jialipu Machinery Bearing Co., Ltd)was established in the year of 1993. We distribute mostly the famous auto bearings of the world,we are the exclusive distributor for SKF auto bearing and spare parts at the North of China. Also our company sell Canada Magna the drive assembly, INA auto bearing, TIMKEN auto bearing, Mann filter, Sino-German joint venture Shanghai LEMFORDER products, Japanese NWB wiper blade etc. Meanwhile we sell SKF, INA and TIMKEN industrial bearings, the turnover of year is over 100 million RMB. The Auto Spare parts Department of our company has a lot of auto bearing in stock.We can provide various auto bearing for Benz, BMW, AUDI, Opel Volvo, Fiat, Lincoln, Ford, Chrysler, Buick, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Etc. We imported the bearings firsthand from SKF and other manufacturers and the quality is very perfect. We also can provide the certificate of origin country of bearing and the certificate of the quality if the customers need it. Wish the friends in the auto trade to develop the market of auto bearing together with us in China.